Thursday, November 19, 2009

New bloG aDD~

For some reason,i hv to change my blog address.Sorry 4 that!. 4 months in Miri-->exam done-->going beC!!! Honestly,i didn't done well in my exam this week,but anyway it is time for fun now~~ it is time to figure out what to do the next~get a job?...hanging out vf friend?..stay vf family?. Erm,perhaps ll fully use this 3 months time to learn something bout entrepreneurship. or some diary of successful businessman.hahaz! Most of my friends r wondering y im studying engineering course(since i hv most of my interest in finance n bussiness)haha,juz to make a more meaningful life infact,widen social cycle n much more personal,i am pretty sure ll go for MBA after my degree in engineerin^^-->thats my real interest n direction. Sometimes feel like vy hard to survive in engineering coarse,since im not good in Math and critical thinking.haha,anyway,is a good training for me b4 crossing to bussiness world in futurE^^ applying a job in Starbucks cafE recently.ah~haar~,not for money purpose..but to learN something from one of the most successful cafE business globally>>havin fun by the way..=p. Right now,dun think have mood to get anything donE..jz feel vy vy tired(5 hours sleep/day+last for >2 weeks)so,it s timE to shut myself down 1st! Zzzz....

New blog address!

For some reason,i hv to change my blog address.Sorry 4 that!.
4 months in Miri-->exam done-->going beC!!!
Honestly,i didn't done well in my exam this week,but anyway is time for fun now~~
is time to figure out what to do the next~get a job?...hanging out vf friend?..stay vf family?.
Erm,perhaps ll fully use this 3 months time to learn something bout entreprenuership. or some diary of successful busnessman.hahaz!
Most of my friends r wondering y im studying engineering couse(since i hv most of my interest in finance n bussiness)haha,juz to make a more meaningful life infact,widen social cycle n much more personal,i am pretty sure ll go for MBA after my degree in engineerin^^-->thats my real interest n direction.
Sometimes feel like vy hard to survive in engineering coarse,since im not good in Math and critical thinking.haha,anyway,is a good training for me b4 crossing to bussiness world in futurE^^
applying a job in Starbucks cafE recently.ah~haar~,not for money purpose..but to learN something from one of the most successful cafE bissness globally>>havin fun by the way..=p.

Right now,dun think have mood to get anything donE..jz feel vy vy tired(5 hours sleep/day+last for >2 weeks)so,it s timE to shut myself down 1st!
